The Tea Crane Presents...

The World's First

"Tea Ceremony Online Course"

With Tyas Sƍsen

Learn Japanese Tea Ceremony
From a Renowned Tea Master,
In The Comfort of Your Own Home...


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Discover inner peace through the captivating aesthetics of the way of tea.

With Tyas Sƍsen, your certified tea ceremony instructor, you will unlock the enchanting world of Japanese culture.

Join 100+ satisfied students worldwide.

Begin your transformative journey NOW!


From: Tyas Sƍsen
Kyoto, Japan

Hello, and welcome to the Tea Ceremony Online Course.

I am Tyas Sƍsen, and I'm a Japanese tea ceremony instructor in the EnshĆ« school, which is one of the warrior-styles of tea ceremony.

I've been teaching tea ceremony for the past seven years, and I've been learning tea ceremony for over 14 years in Japan. In recent years, I have taught most of my students online through Skype and Zoom.

I have learned a lot about the online environment and how the ceremony can be taught online. Traditionally tea ceremony is something that you learn physically in a tea chamber together with other persons.

It's a lot about the atmosphere and how you share that moment with others and you can't really do that online.

But what I've learned is that before you can actually start to appreciate, and really understand what tea ceremony is about, there are a lot of procedures and formalities that you need to know before you start.

This elementary understanding, and the necessary procedures can easily be learned online, on your own, with my guidance. So, in the beginning stages, the restrictions of the online environment are not as restrictive as you might think.

Since I have taught many students online, I have seen the benefits of what an online environment can do for someone who is just starting to learn the tea ceremony.

Therefore, instead of limiting myself to teaching these sessions 1-on-1 for years, it's time for me to reach more people with this amazing knowledge and its amazing culture.

To start learning tea ceremony somewhere, usually you either have to come to Japan or you have to commit to learning with a teacher for a lifetime... or it's not really nearby.

There aren't that many opportunities to learn tea ceremony online!

So here is Tea Ceremony Online Course,... the WORLD'S FIRST online video course on tea ceremony that is designed to take you through the basics in six elementary modules.

But of course you don't have to take them in six weeks. It's six modules. Six steps that build up one whole service of tea ceremony from start to finish.


Here's What You'll Learn

By the end of this course, you will be able to host a full service of tea using the round-tray setup, which can be executed both seated comfortably at a table or on a tatami floor.

You will begin with opening up the arrangement, ritually cleansing and purifying the utensils. You will make and serve a bowl of matcha to your guests. When the utensils return, you'll cleanse everything again, and reset the entire arrangement to conclude the cycle of a service of tea.

You will learn all the basic skills and steps that you will have to take. And they will be accompanied by in-depth explanation of why you need to do those steps, or why you need to do something first and then something else after that.

You will also learn about the significance of all motions and handlings.

The course really focuses on YOU!

You will become able to do everything; the foldings, which take some practice to get used to; you'll become able to do the whole procedure.

This includes what to do first, what to do next, knowing why you're doing it, what the significance is of folding it in a certain way or what the difference is between the two types of folding that you do with the Fukusa, etc. The significance of all the steps will become clear to you.

You will also receive a wealth of information about the background of tea ceremony and the things that you do in the tea chamber.

After the basic segment of the course you have the opportunity to expand your knowledge with an Advanced and a Pro module that will take your tea ceremony to the next level.

In these advanced modules you will get access to lessons on peripheral aspects that include, for example, the display in the alcove, arranging flowers, how to walk and move around in a tatami-matted tea chamber, etc.

The ADVANCED segment focuses on expanding the basic tray-service you have learned in the initial lessons and augments it with further knowledge and alternative approaches.

The PRO segment then allows you to implement all the knowledge and skills you have learned, into a full service of tea ceremony as it is conducted in a proper tatami-matted tea chamber.

Really, this course includes a wealth of knowledge about tea ceremony that you can learn now so that you can get a full understanding about the basics of tea ceremony.
This is where to start your tea ceremony journey.

At the end of already the basic segment, after 6 modules, you will be able to serve a bowl of matcha to someone using the basic tray-service of tea ceremony.

You will already possess all the skills and the necessary knowledge to embark further on your tea ceremony journey from here-on.

On top of this you will receive guidance on the things that you can do to continue learning tea ceremony, how you can further your tea ceremony practice. And! there's always the possibility for you to come to Japan and learn directly from me to really deepen your understanding.

So I really hope to see you on the inside and I really hope that we can embark on this journey together!

Scroll down for more details and I am honored to be your teacher.

Join Today And Get This Irresistible Offer

Learn The Background

Study the process of one whole service of tea ceremony with Sensei Tyas Sosen.

Know Why We Do It

Learn the reasons behind all the steps and procedures.

Become Able To Do It

Get a practical understanding of the movements and techniques required to host a service of matcha.

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Fun, Knowledge, History, And Experience

Welcome to my unique online training.
Your journey starts here.

Get Ready

Begin by learning how to whisk a bowl of Matcha in a casual yet ceremonial way.
Get set-up for a tea ceremony practice, ready the Chawan (Matcha bowl) and learn how to fold the Fukusa and Chakin cloths.

All The Details

Learn how to prepare the tea caddy, and learn everything about the different grades of Matcha, and how it is made.
By the end of this course you will be able to host a full service using the round tray, seated at a table, on your own.

Expand Your Knowledge

Learn about the history of the Japanese tea ceremony, deepen your knowledge about the different schools of tea ceremony, and discover the amazing wealth of information on Japanese culture as a whole that can be learned, all through practicing the tea ceremony.

Everything In One Spot

Learn how to execute a full basic tea ceremony.
You'll learn how to open your ceremonial arrangement.
You will learn the different stages of cleansing your utensils to ready them for use.
And you will learn how to properly whisk a bowl of matcha.
Finally you will learn how to clean your utensils during a tea ceremony.

A Fully Dedicated Course

This course presents a full series of videos for you to study and learn from. These videos are packed with knowledge and surprises.
Additional to the videos you get extra resources, PDF materials, and Q&A recordings addressing questions and problems other students have faced.

From Start To Finsh

You will learn the complete flow of a basic tea ceremony service from start to finish.
By the end of the 6 basic modules of this course you will be able to execute a service of matcha on your own.

But Wait, That's Not All...

PLUS: You Also Get These Irresistible Extras:

Utensil Care

Learn how to care for your utensils. Cleaning and proper safekeeping. Learn how to tie the wooden boxes of implements.

Lifetime Access

You will receive lifetime access to the course with full update guarantee.

Full Tea Ceremony

I will demonstrate a proper tea ceremony from start to finish.

Private Facebook Group

All students get access to a private Facebook group to exchange knowledge, to network and to share updates and live videos.

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Start Learning Tea Ceremony Today

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